Take the lead in your career

如果你决心攻读商科学位,但又不确定它会给你带来什么? 只要看看康科迪亚大学的工商管理学士学位课程就知道了. Our program is designed to cater to your individual needs, offering tailored options that will set you on a path to success. Whether you choose to specialize in general business, human resource management, or healthcare management, there is a clearly defined route for you to explore and thrive in.

Credits 120
Cost Per Credit $490
MBA-Fast track

Bachelor's degree + MBA in five years

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Program Overview

康考迪亚的工商管理学位不仅为学生提供了在复杂的商业世界中脱颖而出所需的知识和技能,而且还培养了在全球化经济中取得成功所必需的道德领导素质. 通过涵盖广泛的商业原则和实践的综合课程, students are encouraged to think critically, develop creative problem-solving strategies, and enhance their communication abilities. With the opportunity to specialize in general business, human resource management, or health care management, 学生可以根据自己的职业目标和兴趣来调整自己的教育, ensuring they are well-prepared to thrive in their chosen field.

What to Expect

工商管理计划的愿景是培养毕业生谁不仅是道德和有效的商业领袖接地基督教十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 但也有富有同情心的人努力通过他们的职业为他人服务. 他们准备成为具有全球意识的公民,在快速发展的全球化经济中脱颖而出. 这些毕业生将成为批判性思考者和创造性的问题解决者, 善于驾驭商业世界的复杂挑战与创新的解决方案. Furthermore, through preparation, they will be effective communicators, 善于向内部和外部利益相关者清晰、简洁地表达自己的想法, 培养牢固的关系并推动他们努力取得成功.

Concentrations / Specializations

迎合您的教育,以满足您的需要和愿望,选择我们的一个 three concentrations.

General Business

专注于业务将允许你探索业务是如何构建的,同时为你提供在几乎任何环境中取得成功所需的技能. 您将掌握当前设计和管理业务项目的软件,同时在项目生命周期的每个阶段采用经过验证的项目管理工具和技术. 您将了解如何整合涉及父母的组织策略, supplier, 以及在国内和全球环境中合作的次级供应商组织.

You’ll also gain practical knowledge of marketing tools, market segmentation, research analysis in decision-making, media and promotion, budgeting, and evaluation. 从制定全面可行的商业计划到设定和获得投资目标(如资本), debt, securitization, 还有政府补贴的选择——这种集中会让你掌握各种适用的技能. Most importantly, 你将获得技能和经验,帮助你成为组织应有的全面发展和富有洞察力的领导者, whether you’re in small business, investments, or real estate.

Human Resource Management

这个人力资源专业将教你重要的联邦和州立法, case law decisions, and executive orders that affect employment relationships. 你将学习分析薪酬计划,确定并描述计划目标, salary structure. and fringe benefits. 您还将学习如何在OSHA管理的与员工健康相关的多个领域确定组织对安全计划的需求, safety, and security. 你将运用管理技巧,将员工和组织发展与领导力结合起来, and learn organizational strategies for recruitment, selection, training, retention, and development of employees.

What about strategic planning? 是的,你会了解它与劳动力和人力资源开发的关系. Throughout this concentration, 你将识别并描述适用于人力资源专业人员工作的仆人式领导的要素.

Hear from our faculty:

Healthcare Management

在医疗保健领域工作有很多复杂的地方. 这种集中在医疗保健管理主要侧重于与他人在医疗保健领域的工作. 这一切都始于你认识到每个人都是上帝创造的整体——一个有尊严的人的能力, worth, and rights deserve to be respected and upheld.

我们的医疗保健管理课程将帮助您熟练分析不同的医疗保健系统. You’ll grow an ability to synthesize knowledge from the sciences, humanities, 并将管理理论作为解决问题和决策的基础. 你将被期望表现出与跨学科医疗网络成员紧密合作和沟通的意愿. 您将发现识别和分析与医疗保健管理相关的当前趋势和问题的能力, which will help you grow throughout your career. 你将赢得医疗保健社区对多样性的尊重——无论是对那些被服务的人还是护理提供者.

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